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ADD YOUR OWNI was an Audio Technician at Shannons Corner in the late 60's. There were three of us and we used to design make and maintain the equipment. The good thing was we were able to listen to some fantastic music. Very good memories. I wonder what is on the site now. Terry Keating. AEUser5d1e37412ce6f 389 04/07/19
CMS user 07/05/19
I worked for International Manager Marcel Stellman from 1974-77, best boss I ever had and still good friends today (he's now 84). Lots of fun with the Moodies, John Miles, Camel, 10cc & the rest. Here I am (far right) at MIDEM 1976 with Marcel and all the Decca international licensees at the Majestic Hotel, note only one person drinking wine and not looking at the camera. Also with Ray Thomas of the Moodies during a press trip on the Thames to plug his solo album, and with Marcel & Jeannie & Mick McDonagh at the Decca Reunion 2017. CMS user 04/05/19