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ADD YOUR OWNI worked as a sound engineer for 17 years in the studios in Broadhurst Gardens working with a variety of artists producers and engineers. I worked alongside Arthur Lilley, Arthur Bannister, Gus Dudgeon,Bill Price,Terry Johnson, Derek Varnals, Vic Smith and others. The artists included Marianne Faithful, Bing Crosby and White Plains. CMS user 12/01/24
I've just obtained a copy of "The Great British Recording Studios" by Howard Massey. It makes fascinating reading and includes a section on the Decca Studios at West Hampstead where I worked mainly as a tape operator for Arthur Lilley and Arthur Bannister on Mantovani and Ronnie Aldrich sessions. On page 67 the book refers to the rivalry between EMI and Decca and there is a reference to the packing crate that arrived in the main entrance of Broadhurst Gardens on Christmas Eve 1967. Inside the case was a cast-iron cistern with a 45 rpm disc of the Rolling Stones stuck down the pan. Also on the wall is a note “When only the Best will do”. Another bit of graffiti on the wall of the packing case reads “Spare ball cock!” I happened to be there at the time it arrived and took a photo with my Instamatic camera, a shame that it never appeared in the book – it makes a good read. Peter Watts peterw80 08/08/20
L'Oiseau-Lyre office collage. The collage created by David Cade (Assistant Record Producer) in 1979 for one of L'Oiseau-Lyre's offices, featuring many of Decca's great classical recording stars, including Early Music performers and some artists (like Glenda Jackson) who made recordings with Argo, Decca's Spoken Word division. David Cade 09/07/20
1980 L'Oiseau Lyre staff. The four staff of the L'Oiseau-Lyre (Early Music) label, part of Decca's Classical Division. The photograph was taken in January 1980. From left to right are: David Cade (Assistant Record Producer), Peter Wadland (Record Producer), Janet Tomczynska (Secretary), Raymond Ware (Executive Producer). David Cade 09/07/20